The TPK for star and non-star hotels in Sumatera Selatan Province in December was 58.62 and 19.95 percent, respectively. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banyu Asin Regency

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The TPK for star and non-star hotels in Sumatera Selatan Province in December was 58.62 and 19.95 percent, respectively.

Release Date : February 1, 2023
File Size : 2.13 MB


  • In December 2022, no foreign tourists (tourists) visited Sumatera Selatan through the Palembang Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin (SMB) II Airport entrance.
  • The Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) for star hotels in December 2022 was 58.62 percent, a decrease of 1.70 points compared to the previous month's TPK which was recorded at 60.32 percent. Meanwhile, the TPK for non-star hotels for December 2022 was recorded at 19.95 percent.
  • The highest ROR for star hotels in December 2022 occurred in 5-star hotels, namely 71.87 percent and the lowest in 2-star hotels, namely 44.61 percent.
  • The average length of stay of guests at star hotels in December 2022 reached 1.68 days, an increase of 0.27 points compared to the previous month which was recorded at 1.42 days.
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