ROR for star and non-star hotels in Sumatera Selatan Province in December 2023 respectively by 63.18 and 23.12 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banyu Asin Regency

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ROR for star and non-star hotels in Sumatera Selatan Province in December 2023 respectively by 63.18 and 23.12 percent

Release Date : February 1, 2024
File Size : 3.74 MB


    The occupancy rate of Sumatera Selatan star hotel rooms in December 2023 was 61.38 percent, which increased by 2.97 percentage points compared to the previous month (m-to-m). Meanwhile the occupancy rate of Sumatera Selatan non-star hotel rooms in December 2023 was 23.12 percent.
  • The occupancy rate of a five-star hotel at 79.25 percent was the highest among all-star hotels while the lowest one is one-star hotel at 45.03 percent.
  • The average length of stay of star hotel guests in December 2023 was 1.27 days or fell by 0.10 days compared to November 2023 which is at 1.37 days.
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