The Percentage of People in Sumatera Selatan Province Living in Poverty in March 2024 was 10.97 Percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banyu Asin Regency

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The Percentage of People in Sumatera Selatan Province Living in Poverty in March 2024 was 10.97 Percent

Release Date : July 1, 2024
File Size : 1.39 MB


  • The percentage of people living in poverty in March 2024 was 10.97 percent, decreased 0.81 percent from March 2023.
  • There were 984.24 thousand poor people in Sumatera Selatan Province, decreased by 61.4 thousand people compared to March 2023.
  • The percentage of the poor in urban areas in March 2024 was 10.04 percent, decreased by 1.03 percentage point compared to March 2023. On the other hand, the percentage of the poor in rural area in March 2024 was 11.53 percent which decreased by 0.68 percentage point compared to last year.
  • The number of poor people in urban area in March 2024 decreased by 29.4 thousand people compared to March 2023, from 371.75 thousand people in March 2023 to 342.34 thousand people in March 2024. Meanwhile the number of the poor in rural areas decreased by 32 thousand people, from 673.93 thousand people to 641.90 thousand people.
  • The poverty line in March 2024 was IDR554,197.00/capita/month. It is consist of the Food Poverty Line at IDR413,237.00(74.57 percent) and the Non-Food Poverty Line at IDR140,960 (25.43 percent).
  • Poor households in Sumatera Selatan Province in March 2024 had an average of 5.10 household members. Thus, the poverty line per poor household on average is IDR2,826,405.00/poor household/month.
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