Farmers’ Terms of Trade (FTT) in June 2024 was 122.40 or increased by 3.75 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banyu Asin Regency

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Farmers’ Terms of Trade (FTT) in June 2024 was 122.40 or increased by 3.75 percent

Release Date : July 1, 2024
File Size : 3.04 MB


  • Sumatera Selatan Province’s FTT was 122.40 or increased by 3.75 percent compared with FTT in April 2024.
  • The increase in FTT in June 2024 is influenced by the increase in FTT in several subsectors, where each rose: Food Crops 2.34 percent; Horticulture 2.78 percent; Plantations 4.23 percent and livestock 2.65 percent. Meanwhile FTT which experienced a decline in the Fisheries subsector of 0.75 percent, Capture Fisheries 0.62 percent and Aquaculture 0.96 percent.
  • In June 2024, the price Index of Household Consumption for South Sumatra Province experienced an increase of 0.32 percent, namely from 124.28 to 124.67
  • Agriculture’s Terms of Trade (NTUP) for South Sumatra Province June 2024 amounted to 125.60 or an increase of 3.72 percent compared to the previous month's NTUP.
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