Farmers’ Terms of Trade (FTT) in May 2024 was 117.98 or rose 1.46 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banyu Asin Regency

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Farmers’ Terms of Trade (FTT) in May 2024 was 117.98 or rose 1.46 percent

Release Date : June 3, 2024
File Size : 2.62 MB


  • FTT is the ratio of the index of prices received by farmers (It) and the index of prices paid by farmers (Ib). FTT is an indicator to measure the farmers’ purchasing power parity in rural areas. FTT shows the terms of trade of agricultural products with goods and services consumption and production costs. Sumatera Selatan Province’s FTT was 117.98 or increased by 1.46 percent compared with FTT in April 2024.
  • The increase in FTT was due to the significant increase in FTT of plantation at 2.01 percent, livestock at 0.85 percent, fishery at 0.29 percent, and aquaculture at 1,00 percent. Meanwhile, The FTT for food crops, horticulture, and marine capture fishery decreased at 0.27 percent, 1.41 percent, and 0.16 percent.
  • The price index of household consumption fell 0.46 percent, from 124.86 in April 2024 to 124.28 in May 2024.
  • Agriculture’s Terms of Trade (NTUP) was 121.09 in May 2024 or increased by 1.06 percent compared to April 2024.
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