The year on year (y-o-y) inflation in October 2023 was 2.90 Percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banyu Asin Regency

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The year on year (y-o-y) inflation in October 2023 was 2.90 Percent

Release Date : November 1, 2023
File Size : 3.58 MB


  • The year-on-year (y-on-y) inflation rate in October 2023 was 2.90 percent, with a Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 115.69. The y-on-y inflation rate of Palembang was 2.94 with CPI of 115.72. The Lubuk Linggau’s y-on-y inflation rate was 2.53 percent with CPI of 115.30.
  • Inflation occurred as the prices went up, as indicated by the increase in almost all expenditure groups indices, namely: Food, Beverages, and Tobacco Group of 6.45 percent; Personal Care and Other Services Group of 3.88 percent; Education Group of 2.86 percent; Housing, Water, Electricity, and Household Fuel Group of 1.83 percent; Clothing and Footwear Group of 1.61 percent; Food and Beverage Serving Services/Restaurant Group of 1.52 percent; Health Group of 1.21 percent; Recreation, Sport, and Culture Group of 0.58 percent; Furnishings, Household Equipment, and Routine Household Maintenance Group of 0.38 percent. However, Transport Group’s index decreased by 0.18 percent.
  • The month-to-month (m-to-m) inflation rate in October 2023 was 0.50 percent, and the year-to-date (y-to-d) inflation in October 2023 was 2.47 percent.
  • The y-on-y inflation rate of the core component in October 2023 was 1.58 percent, the m-to-m inflation rate was 0.11 percent, and the y-to-d inflation rate was 1.36 percent.
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