NTP of Sumatera Selatan Province in December 2022 was recorded at 100.33 or an increase of 0.53 percent compared to the previous month's NTP - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banyu Asin Regency

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NTP of Sumatera Selatan Province in December 2022 was recorded at 100.33 or an increase of 0.53 percent compared to the previous month's NTP

Release Date : January 2, 2023
File Size : 2.92 MB


  • Sumatera Selatan's NTP in December 2022 rose 0.53 percent compared to the previous month, namely from 99.80 only to 100.33.
  • The increase in NTP in December 2022 was influenced by an increase in NTP in the sub-sector; Food Crops by 0.51 percent, Horticulture 0.07 percent, Plantation 0.63 percent, Fisheries 0.33 percent and Capture Fisheries 0.70 percent. Meanwhile, the sub-sectors that experienced a decrease in NTP were Livestock by 1.05 percent and Aquaculture by 0.22 percent.
  • In December 2022, the province of Sumatera Selatan experienced rural inflation of 1.16 percent.
  • The Agricultural Household Business Exchange Rate (NTUP) for the province of Sumatera Selatan in December 2022 was 98.10, an increase of 1.12 percent compared to the previous month's NTUP.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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