October 2022 Inflation Year on Year (yoy) Combination of 2 CPI Cities in Sumatera Selatan 6.51 Percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banyu Asin Regency

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October 2022 Inflation Year on Year (yoy) Combination of 2 CPI Cities in Sumatera Selatan 6.51 Percent

Release Date : November 1, 2022
File Size : 1.89 MB


  • In October 2022, year on year (yoy) inflation was 6.51 percent with a Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 112.43. Yoy inflation in Palembang City was 6.55 percent with a CPI of 112.42 and in Lubuk Linggau City of 5.98 percent with a CPI of 112.46.
  • Inflation occurred due to an increase in prices as indicated by an increase in most indexes of the expenditure group, namely: the food, beverage and tobacco group by 8.41 percent; clothing and footwear group by 3.09 percent; housing, water, electricity, and household fuel groups by 2.68 percent; household equipment, equipment and routine maintenance group by 5.41 percent; health group by 2.54 percent; transportation group by 18.47 percent; recreation, sports, and culture groups by 6.74 percent; education group by 3.85 percent; food and beverage/restaurant supply group by 4.26 percent; and the personal care and other services group by 5.50 percent. Meanwhile, the expenditure groups that experienced a decline in the index were the information, communication, and financial services group by 0.21 percent.
  • The month to month deflation rate (mtm) in October 2022 was 0.10 percent and the year to date inflation rate (ytd) in October 2022 was 5.50 percent.
  • The core component yoy inflation rate in October 2022 was 3.99 percent, mtm inflation was 0.40 percent, and ytd inflation was 3.68 percent.
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