Sumatra Selatan's economy in the second quarter of 2022 grew by 4.37 Percent (Q-To-Q) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banyu Asin Regency

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Sumatra Selatan's economy in the second quarter of 2022 grew by 4.37 Percent (Q-To-Q)

Release Date : August 5, 2022
File Size : 1.27 MB


The economy of Sumatra Selatan Province based on the amount of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GDP) at current prices in the second quarter of 2022 reached Rp. 142.81 trillion and at constant prices in 2010 reached Rp. 86.04 trillion.
  • The economy of Sumatra Selatan Province in the second quarter of 2022 grew by 4.37 percent (q-to-q). From the production side, the Defense Administration and Social Security Business Field experienced the highest growth of 20.96 percent. Meanwhile, in terms of expenditure, the Government Expenditure Component (PK-P) grew by 20.83 percent.
  • The economy of Sumatra Selatan Province in the second quarter of 2022 grew by 5.18 (y-on-y). In terms of production, the Accommodation and Food and Drink Provision Business Field experienced the highest growth of 18.61 percent. In terms of expenditure, the highest growth occurred in the Overseas Export Component, which was 12.32 percent.
  • The economy of Sumatra Selatan Province in semester I-2022 compared to semester I-2021 grew by 5.17 percent (c-to-c). From the production side, the highest growth occurred in the Accommodation and Food and Drink Provision business field of 14.68 percent. Meanwhile, in terms of expenditure, all components grew, the highest growth occurred in the Overseas Export Component of 13.48 percent.

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